How to enter Prescription

Looking for a new pair of glasses but you’re not sure how to read your glasses prescription? We’re here to help! After an eye exam, you’ll receive an eyeglass or contact lens prescription with specific information about your eyesight and correction needs. With your prescription in hand, you are ready to buy your next pair online! Before you complete your order, you should first know how to read your glasses prescription

What does PLANO/PL mean?

This means that your SPH value has no value. You can leave this as just PLANO or set the value to zero when filling out the prescription section on the order form on our website.

Right PL -0.75 83 0.00
Left: -0.25 -0.25 130 0.00
PD 60
I have SPHERE/SPH on My Prescription
This shows the lens power, measured in diopters (D), prescribed to correct near vision or far vision. If you are nearsighted, then the number appearing under this heading has a minus sign (–); if it has a plus sign (+), you are farsighted.
1 Near Vision Prescription:
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right +0.50 -0.75 83 0.00
Left -0.25 -0.25 130 0.00
PD 60
2 Distance (Far) Vision Prescription:
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right +0.50 -0.75 83 0.00
Left -0.25 -0.25 130 0.00
PD 60

This would be the lens power for astigmatism. If this column is empty, you have little or no astigmatism that requires correction. This column may include a minus sign (for distance vision astigmatism) or a plus sign (for near vision astigmatism).

1 Near Vision Prescription:
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right +1.50 -0.75 83 0.00
Left +1.25 +0.25 130 0.00
PD 60
2 Distance (Far) Vision Prescription:
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right +1.50 -0.75 83 0.00
Left -1.25 -0.25 130 0.00
PD 60
If there is no cylinder power on the prescription, then this column will be empty. The axis is defined with a number from 1 to 180. If the prescription shows cylinder power, it must include an axis value, which comes directly after the cyl power and is preceded by an "x" when written freehand.
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right +1.50 -0.75 83 0.00
Left -1.25 -0.25 130 0.00
PD 60
This is the added magnifying power applied to progressive and bifocal lenses to correct presbyopia. The number appearing in this section of the prescription is always a "plus" power, even if it is not preceded by a plus sign. Generally, it will range from +0.75 to +3.00 diopters and will be the same power for both eyes.
For progressive or bifocal glasses, the prescription can be read as:
od Sph Cyl Axis ADD
Right -0.50 -0.75 83 +2.25
Left +0.25 -0.25 130 +2.25
PD 60
Computer vs. Reading Prescriptions
The sphere value for single-vision computer use will be less than the sphere values for reading uses.
For single-vision computer use, the prescription can be read as:
od Sph Cyl Axis
Right +0.75 -0.75 83
Left +1.50 -0.25 130
PD 29.0/30.5
For single-vision reading use, the prescription can be read as:
od Sph Cyl Axis
Right +1.75 -0.75 83
Left +2.50 -0.25 130
PD 28.0/29.5
What does BALANCE/BAL mean?
Balance indicates that the eye, for which the designation is made, is not sighted and that the same numbers should be entered in both eyes, in order to have the lenses matched in appearance and weight.